Mission Trip: Kenya – The Intro
Hey Friends!
Life Update: I have joined a team of Aggies to go on a medical mission trip to Kenya next summer.
Thank you to those of you supporting this trip through prayer and donations. You can follow along on my journey to Africa here! I will try to post pictures and tell stories as our time unfolds.
Our team will be serving in the central highlands of Kenya, working with kids at the orphanage Into Abbas Arms (IAA) as well as the surrounding village. You can learn more about the orphanage here. We will work at clinics held in three strategic locations in the highlands, to target children and those otherwise unable to reach medical assistance.
We will be partnering with local physicians and dentists, assisting with medical and dental clinics. These clinics will bring life-changing medical care to the children at IAA as well as the local Kenyans of the village. Work projects and activities will be completed at the orphanage and with the children as well.
While we have routine physical and dental examinations in the U.S., many Kenyans will live their entire lives without ever seeing a doctor. Equally as tragic is the fact that currently there is one dentist for every 60,000 people in Kenya. These are sobering statistics. Our team expects to treat between 100-150 patients per day, providing critical care for those without.
Many of you know that I aspire to use my medical training abroad and through missions. I have come to see how providing for someone’s physical needs opens the door for trust and understanding, allowing me to also address their spiritual needs.
I have been praying for an opportunity to use my passion for missions through a medical perspective, and learn valuable insights about the practicality of how to do medical missions abroad. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from medical professionals in the setting that I feel called to for my future as a PA. I believe this experience will not only help me prepare through practical experience but will also help me develop valuable relationships with like-minded people both at home and abroad.
The trip will take place from Aug. 9 – 21, 2019. This is during the winter break for Kenyan students as this allows the best opportunity to serve the greatest number of disadvantaged, school-aged children.
I would greatly appreciate your support. Firstly, and most importantly, through prayer.
Some specific prayer requests include: prayer for safety (physical and spiritual) during travel and our time there; orphans and those in the villages to receive the care they need; our team to be able to share God’s love with the Kenyan people; provision of adequate doctors, dentists and medical supplies; and our team to bond and work well together.
Secondly, I also ask that you prayerfully consider supporting financially. I am in need of $2,731.00 for this trip. I am completely reliant on God’s provision for what we need. I have set up a separate bank account to handle all funds for this trip and therefore can accept donations through Paypal and Venmo.
Whether you choose to support me through prayer, financial aid, or both I am exceedingly grateful for your investment.
To Donate:
Venmo: @HollyJuern
Paypal: [email protected]
Stay tuned for trip updates!